What Is Telemedicine?

You’ve been hearing the terms more often than you’re used to - telemedicine, telehealth, etc but do you fully understand what it means?
Below we describe what telemedicine looks like with our various practitioners who are ALL available to you at this critical time.
How can I benefit from seeing my acupuncturists using telemedicine?
Like all of our offerings here at Lotus, we treat the WHOLE person, and Chinese Medicine is no different. Your acupuncturist can help with the following ~
- general counseling
- health education
- herbal and supplement recommendations
- functional medicine
- stress management exercises/techniques
- dietary/nutrition management
- movement and exercise protocols
- sleep study and advice
- acupressure guidance for self-care
- mindfulness breathing practices
- distance reiki
- how to place ear seeds (mailed)
- other lifestyle recommendations
The focus of your telemedicine visit can also be on immunity and treatment of COVID-19 early symptoms (before it gets serious) which is critical to flattening the curve (less patients going to hospitals). Via video, your tongue and temperature reading will be needed to determine a diagnosis and prescribe a potential treatment. Herbs and supplements can be either picked up, delivered or mailed.
If you were seeing your acupuncturist using your insurance coverage, likely your insurance company covers telemedicine consults with them at this time as well. Speak to your practitioner or contact our staff for more information.
How can I benefit from seeing my Naturopathic Doctor using telemedicine?
In addition to regular follow-up appointments, your Naturopathic Doctor is available for any other acute illness concerns that may arise during this time. If you have an acute concern, we will do our best to get you scheduled right away.
If you have questions or concerns about your health and COVID-19, we highly encourage you to schedule an appointment to ensure you are on the best preventative health plan FOR YOU.
We continue to accept new clients at this time. Regular new patient visits are 90 minutes in length, but we are also offering brief / acute appointments to new patients seeking individualized advice on prevention or treatment of illness. We would be happy to care for any of your friends/ family / colleagues who are not currently patients.
While we do not yet have a confirmed treatment for COVID-19, there are many herbs, vitamins, and other Naturopathic treatments that can help support you and your immune system. Our doctors’ years of training and clinical experience have taught them a lot about how to use a wide variety of treatments appropriately.
Lastly, we know this is a very challenging time for EVERYONE for a wide variety of reasons. Oftentimes seeing your doctor offers an additional layer of emotional support / stress relief which can still be achieved with a telemedicine visit. However, if you feel you need additional mental / emotional support during this time, please reach out and your doctor can refer you to practitioners or resources to help support you.
The same is true for all of our practitioners (with the exception of Thermograpahy). There is so much that can still be done virtually to help support you. So although we are not available in person at this time, we are here in your support and will continue to do our best to guide you towards better health.
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